Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Coming Up...

I've got a lot to get through, when I finally bring myself to it. I'm almost ready to compile my Best of 2007 list, with just a few more films from last year to view. I am fairly confident that I've seen the worst that 2007 had to offer, and in the knowledge that I won't willingly allow myself to sit through a film from last year that I know will be utter crap, I have concluded that the time is now to start the prelude to my Best Of list. That is, the Worst Movies of 2007.

There's also four more 2008 flicks to review, yet I feel that the focus of this blog is a little off. Why am I touching on just the films of this year? That was the aim when I first started, but it has begun to feel unsatisfying, the preoccupation of my cinematic thoughts on contemporary garbage like Doomsday and Hancock. I want to write about Chaplin, Cassavetes, Fellini and Bergman.

Hollywood is in a bad place, at the point of no return. Every year we are bombarded with adaptations, remakes and comic book movies. Originality is well and truly dead. I have discovered that there are at least 30 remakes of old horror movies in the pipeline. The most offensive part of this, the fact that all gore will be removed for the sake of a 'safe' PG-13 rating, all in the name of easy profit. Then you have films like Epic Movie chewing up the receipts at #1 in the box-office, signifying a collective all-time low in the IQ of humanity.

This blog needs spicing up. Maybe I should give a weekly film recommendation; I watch quite an ungodly amount of classic, foreign and arthouse films, so why shouldn't I write about these, spread the good word? Or perhaps an artful expansion will help, possibly an album recommendation? All I know is if I keep documenting the 'film of the week', there will be no joy in my writing.

And on that note, Bottom 25 coming soon. *Sigh*

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